A couple of sentences after making his now-infamous call to “gird your loins,” VP candidate Joe Biden last week compared the president’s work to the Twelve Labors of Hercules. “This president, the next president, is gonna be left with the most significant task. It’s like cleaning the Augean stables, man.”
I admit I kind of like the way he speaks. It’s unusual for a politician.
(edited on the advice of the Good Doctor)
The Good Doctor ()
That’s the twelve labors of Hercules: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Herakles/labors.html.
Thought you’d like to know it.
Heracles and Hercules the same guy? The answer is one of those “We call him x and you call him why mental and memory exercises (strange you should pick ’the other,’ fella): http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Herakles/stables.html.
Maybe I could interest you in a trip to Augsburg, Germany, where you could overlook a nearby pastoral valley with a farm that shows exactly that solution, only from a smaller rivulet?